Use "spiritist|spiritists" in a sentence

1. Spiritism soon spread to other countries, having today 35 countries represented in the International Spiritist Council.

2. Many, including spiritists, recognize that God is the Supreme Being, eternal, infinitely perfect, kind, good, and just.

3. Spiritists explain that at death the soul, or “incarnated spirit,” leaves the body —like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

4. The villagers expected the Witnesses to drop dead, but it was the spiritist who fainted and had to be whisked away by his embarrassed supporters.

5. In Brazil, for example, an estimated 4,000,000 spiritists follow the teachings codified by Hyppolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, a 19th-century French educator and philosopher who wrote under the name of Allan Kardec.

6. That year, the followers of The Vine Growers of the Lord attended for the last time the national convention of Spiritists in Charleroi, which officially marked the end of their mutual support, and the following year, Antoine publicly abjured any practice of Spiritism.